
Wednesday 11 December 2013

What is the Best Skin Lightening Ever?

What is the best Skin Lightening product ever out in the market?
Is it the Papaya Soaps, creams or lotions ?
Kojic based products?
Hydroquinone based products?

It is good for your health and skin.  It boost your anti-oxidants to fight terminal illnesses.   Mentioned by a famous doctor blogger that it is the master of all anti-oxidants and is very good for your skin. The side effect of is ..... it makes your skin lighter and looking fresh all day.

So what is it???

It's L-Glutathione. 

It is a food supplement that is good for your body. It is an anti oxidant.
Our body produces glutathione in the liver naturally. But when we reach the age of 30, it is slowly depleted and makes our body prone to illnesses.

Taken in higher doses and with vitamin c, it can lighten the skin, evenly. It can also minimize acne production and lessen the oiliness on the face.

When I took glutahione as a food supplement , the first visible result for me is that my face always looks fresh.  The pores are not visible and the t zone on my face is not shiny.

Which Glutathione product  in the market is the best one to take ?

That will be my next topic.

Thank you and good night.

Before taking any food supplement, always consult your doctor.

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