
Tuesday, 7 January 2014

How to Exfoliate the Skin with the Diana Stalder Multifruit Oil

Hope you had a good Christmas and New Year.  I spent mine with my family and very lucky that we didn't get flooded and no powercut.  While some of our neighbouring towns experienced both. 

I have been thinking on what topic shall I write today and tomorrow : ) .  A regular customer placed an order of 4 little bottles of the Diana Stalder Multi Fruit Oil, that tiny little powerful skin exfoliant.  So I thought why not this. 

What is  skin exfoliating or skin peeling and what is it for?
It is to lose the top layer of the skin to get rid of dull skin tone, uneven skin tone, fine lines and wrinkles, shallow acne scars.  It also takes out the dead skin cells stuck on our skin , dried suds of the bath gels and wash.

This is a good way to start your skin lightening treatment at home. 

What is Chemical Peel?
Chemical Peel is literally using chemicals to force the top layer of the skin to come off.  There are mild to strong types of chemical peels.  The Diana Stalder Mutlifruit is only a mild type of chemical peel that you can use at home. But make sure you follow the instructions well and make a skin patch test in case of allergic reaction.
The chemical used in this oil is based on Apha Hydroxy Acid Peels also known in as the AHAs, it uses the lactic acid (found in sour milk and tomato juice), glycolic acid (from sugar cane juice) , malic acid , salicylic acid.   Some of these ingredients are used on daily facial wash and toners in lesser percentage or degree, that is why some skin peels.
AHAs peel will only make light peels to shed off or fade shallow acne scars, fine lines, uneven pigmentation, dead skin cells, sunburn.  But AHAs is not good for peeling off deep wrinkles, you will need a deeper stronger chemical peel and this is best done in a licensed and registered derma clinic.

This peel can cause a redness, mild stinging and dryness.   After the peel, do not apply any skin lightening products yet for at least 3 days, let the skin rest.  Use moisturizer and sunblock cream when you go out.

If you feel any irritation , discontinue use.  Do not over do this. Prolonged use is not recommended for this.

Hope this help.

Thank you.


Exfoliate your skin,  before starting a skin lightening process.
·         Exfoliates / peels  and lightens skin
·         An exfoliant product that helps lighten the skin and acne scars.
·         Contains fruit extracts such as grape fruit, kiwi fruit, apple fruit and orange fruit.
For 3 consecutive days apply
Multi Fruit Exfoliant with a cotton wool / ball
Apply with a cotton wool/ ball , after every application, wipe with a damp cloth.
Repeat 3 times  with ten minutes interval between applications .
Important :DO NOT WASH FACE or body until skin peels off.  After peeling has been completed, use Diana Stalder Beauty Regimen Kit / Diana  Stalder Body Whitening Kit for best results.

·        If irritation occurs, discontinue use.
·        Not to be used by under age children
·        Not to be used in large portions of the body.
·        Not to be used for prolonged period of time.